Why We Do Some of the Things We Do
There is no "perfect" way for Christian congregations to do things. Over the years here at Byron, we have developed some ways of doing things that work well for us and fit what we're trying to achieve as the Church of Jesus Christ in this place. Other congregations do things differently, and that may be the right thing for them and their context. Whatever we do, we need to be intentional about it. Here are some examples:
In some churches, they have two worship services; one with organ and choir and another with drums and guitars. At Byron United, we blended our two worship services together so that we could all worship together, learn a variety of worship music, and provide a better Sunday school.
In some churches, the choir and musicians pray in a back room before worship begins. At Byron United they pray in the sanctuary before worship as a witness to the congregation that Sunday morning is about the Lord, and not about the worship leaders or a "performance".
In some churches, they follow the three-year cycle of lectionary Bible readings. At Byron United, we like the freedom to focus on Bible readings and themes as the pastors and Worship Team feel led.
In some churches, they don't baptize children. At Byron United, we believe that children of believing parents are also appropriately baptized and made members of His church as recorded in the book of Acts. It's about His grace at work in each life.
In some churches, they only have refreshments after worship once a month. At Byron United, we delight in sharing together every Sunday following worship. It's a great opportunity to touch base with old friends and meet new friends, and visit tables featuring upcoming events and opportunities.
In some churches, very little detail is provided in the annual budget. At Byron United, we want everyone to plainly see how we spend your offering. See pages 49-51 of our Annual Report for our General Fund expenses, and pages 33-34 for our Outreach Fund donations to Christian charities.
In some churches, they frequently report on their financial position. At Byron United, we only share this several times a year since we are usually close to our goal.
In some churches, they sell CDs or DVDs of their worship services. At Byron United, we give them away for free, building the cost into out annual budget.
In some churches, only men can serve as Elders. At Byron United, we want both men and women with spiritual gifts of leadership, pastoral care and discernment to guide us forward.
I hope this has given some insight into why we do some of the things we do at Byron United Church. Naturally, we are always open to new ideas and better ways of being His Church. Whatever our outward practices, it's our hearts that make us loving, committed, and welcoming followers of Christ Jesus. We are His church, His family!
Pastor Greg